Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Hey everyone-
It's been awhile since I've been on here, not to sure if anyone still checks this thing out, but we'll give it a go.
First off, I'm trying to reach as many family and friends between facebook, email and the blog to get you to vote for Evelynn in a baby contest. She seriously is such a cute baby, so go vote for her! She's in red with all sorts of flowers in the pic. The picture is titled "Henderson's Cutest Baby". Just click on find her picture and vote. Thanks everyone. Here's what your looking for.
We've had a pretty fun few weeks. We started off with heading to Carlsbad CA for spring break with some of the Waite family. We always have a blast playing on the beach and then warming up in the condo's hot tub. This year my dad had his condo share down there and we got to stay with them, since we have the baby. Everyone else got to camp out on the beach.

We also spent time at Old Town, which is new...ha ha. Actually the church's museum there in Old Town which talks about the Mormon Batalion is really fun. They've up-dated it and the kids had a ton of fun with panning for gold and watching pictures talk and walk around in their frames. Definatly a lot of fun so go if you have the chance.
We've also had the fair this past weekend. I was talking with my brother and realized I don't think I've missed a fair since Jr. high. lol Yea that's funny. The kids had a lot of fun watching cousins showing animals hanging with family and riding on rides. It kept us all pretty busy.
Our friends, Tony and Mindy Peterson brought their kids to play with ours at the fair. It was a marathon of rides and activities all day long. What fun we had!

Guess that's all for now. Don't forget to vote for Evelynn!



Kellie & Cody said...

I still read your blog! And I totally voted. In fact, looks like I was vote number 448--and compared to the other numbers, well...she is doing pretty dang good! Hope you guys are doing well.

Cara said...

Thank you Kellie! Your a peach! We're hanging in there. lol How are you and Cody?