Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Long time no see!

Wow, it's really been awhile since I've posted on here. Probably want even have any readers cause they've figured I've abandoned blogging. lol
Well, the new year has started off fine, not much happening that I can think of. Genevieve and Savannah have been very good big sisters to little Evelynn, who by the way is growing like a weed. She is 3 months old and I can hardly believe it. She is such a pleasent baby and I still can't get enough of her. I laugh at myself with how infatuated I am with her.
Genevieve has been pretty funny lately. On Friday we were on our way home from the children's museum and she let me know that she is going to live in California when she grows up and I was welcome to come visit her any time I'd like. I said that was perfect since I'd need a place to stay when I go visit Mickey, but she didn't get my little joke. She went on with her California dreams. I was welcome to visit and help her with her babies. Then on Saturday she told me she was going to have 7 kids...I started rethinking my answer the day before that I'd love to come and visit. lol

Savannah is becoming such a big girl now days. She turned three back in December and loves showing off how old she is with her fingers, unfortunatly she can't keep both of her fingers down, so she shows everyone that she's four instead. She has quite a little personality of her own. I think she's starting to feel like the middle kids, so I'm trying to make sure to give her "Savannah" time...we'll see if that helps.
She and Genevieve love to sing Little Drummer Boy. On our way home from church on Sunday she made us play it over and over so that everyone had a chance to sing. She got right down mad at us if we weren't participating in her little song fest. ha ha
All the while, Little Miss Bubbles (Evelynn) smiles on. As to the nick name, I keep wondering if she's going to start sprouting teeth. She's constantly drooling and making bubbles. Fortunatly at this time there are no teeth yet. She is starting to giggle and loves to have her sisters sing or talk to her. So far we've only had one instant of her being over loved from her sisters. Savannah apparently wanted to hold her one day while I was helping Genevieve in the kitchen. All of a sudden I heard Evelynn crying. I ran in to find her face down on the floor instead of on the couch where I had left her. Poor Savannah felt horrible and left the room crying. She has such a tender heart sometimes and this really made her feel bad.

Sean is on to a psych rotation at the state mental hospital this month. He's decided that although interesting, it's not quiet the direction he wants to go. I can't believe we are into the middle of his third year...and I'm thankful for that. It means we are almost done, at least with school.
As for me, I'm trying to start off this new year being a little more organized. I've decided that deep down inside I've got a little ocd, it's time to let some of that out. ha ha I'll let ya know how that goes.
That's all for now I guess. :)


BallerinaBiker said...

What an update! I'm so glad to hear about your life. Your girls are beautiful and they sound like so much fun. Way to go on the school too!

Mostly Jessica said...

This is exactly why I subscribe to blogs on google reader. Love that last pic by the way. Cutie!

Maryanne said...

Thanks for posting! Evelynn is a cutie (so are your big girls!). I need to let out some of my ocd too. :)

Jenn said...

I am glad to see you are back...honesly, last night I almost went and FaceBooked you and told you to give an update!
I love your updates. Dalton is looking @ it with me and things Savannah is "so so cute" (in his words) Hmmmm.....still a bond there?! LOL
So drop me a line sometime. I wondered if you and Irene are going to start your kids in kindergarten this year or next.
hugs and kisses!

Kellie & Cody said...

Cara! So excited to hear from you. You have an amazing family! (I'm not suprised! You yourself are amazing!) Cara--I am so glad that we have kept in touch! You deserve the best!!! Thanks for making me smile!

blair and maisy said...

Cute girls! The sledding looked way fun.

Perry Bunch said...

Cute pictures of your girls!