Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just a tid-bit

Well, school is in full swing and things are starting to go pretty smooth.  I've started to see how kids can really cost an arm and a leg.  In addition to school clothes and a few supplies, the two older girls have also started dance class.  I LOVE that they are in dance, but gee, after the tights, leotard, ballet and tap shoes...I'm tapped out of cash!  I know it will be worth it when I see them dancing to the Ghostbusters theme song next month at the mall...yes, life will be complete.  The really funny thing to me is I remember dancing to Ghostbusters!  lol  Ah the good ol days in the "Red Hot" dance class. 

Oh and in some fun news, Evelynn started walking August 30th.  I have to note the date because she walked at the end of her 10th month while the other two kids kept me waiting till the day before their birthdays.  What a big girl she is!  I would add some video of it, but couldn't figure out how.  lol

Now, I don't know how many people actually read this thing, but I stumbled across a cute website for kids for LDS General Conference in October.  So if you've got little ones, check this out. 
They have bingo cards, packets with lots of activities plus more.  They do ask for a $1 donation for some of there stuff if possible.  Anyway, I think this is going to help our family out a lot this year.


Stacy said...

The expenses are just starting. But it is almost always worth it. (I can think of a soccer league Marly did when she was 3. That is $35 I will never get back.) They will be so adorable dancing, how fun.

Maryanne said...

Evelynn must want to chase her big sisters! All the school stuff and extras are pricy-- I hear you. Glad school is going smoothly. :)

blair and maisy said...

I'm so glad I have a girl now so I'll be able to go to little dance recitals in the future. I'll have to check out that conference kid link!